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The Top 6 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Trends in 2020 - Coding Elements Programming Institute

The Top 6 Artificial Intelligence (AI) Trends in 2020

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has grown exponentially over the past few years! We use AI in our lives in some way or the other, sometimes even without knowing it. AI is present in video streaming apps, grammar enhancement apps, home appliances, etc. Many businesses are investing in finding Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions to many of the complex problems they face. While there is growth happening in the vast field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), what are the major trends to look out for in 2020? Let’s take a look.   Robotics   This is an exciting field that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) for many purposes like teaching robots to behave in a certain way in a particular situation, and creating movements in the robot. Currently, many robots perform daily routine tasks in factories, etc. But to make them do more specialized tasks and introduce them to decision making, support of AI is needed. Though there is still a lot of controversy around whether robots should be allowed to perform smart tasks, a lot are studies on this topic are going on.   Predictive Analytics   In this age where so much data is generated, careful study of large chunks of data can provide insights that can then be used to make predictions. Predictive Analytics is also called Augmented Analytics. Many companies use Predictive Analytics to make business decisions, and this trend is only going to increase.   Cybersecurity   As technology is advancing, attacks and security breaches are also becoming more complex. With existing cybersecurity, it will be difficult to detect attacks like phishing and hacking on systems. Thus, cybersecurity powered by AI will be the only most efficient way to look out for system attacks continually.   Natural Language Processing (NLP)   NLP is a field in Artificial Intelligence (AI) which deals with helping a machine understand, interpret, and respond to natural human language. This ability is what enables systems to perform predictive typing, speech recognition, auto-complete, etc. One of the most famous examples of NLP is Alexa. The field of NLP is increasingly becoming popular these days.   Edge AI   As technology advances, and there is more data everywhere, it is best to have the data located on the device. Edge Technology will reduce the risks of privacy and security breaches and will increase the speed of the device. The device won’t need a connection to work. The Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms will use the data on the device to work and perform tasks. This trend is highly prevalent in 2020.   Facial Recognition Technology   Facial Recognition technology is not one of the most popular technologies of Artificial Intelligence (AI), but it has been developing and will continue to do so in 2020. It is used to track people, to login to secure systems, for features like tagging a person in a photograph, and for various other purposes. Though there are people who find Face Recognition technology unsafe for use, it does seem to have a lucrative future.   Artificial Intelligence (AI) has massive potential in the coming future. It is predicted that many large organizations will increase the number of AI projects this year. We will see tremendous progress across fields under Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the years to come.  Coding Elements is a premier institute that offers many courses in advanced fields like Machine Learning and Deep Learning, Data Science, Python Programming, etc. They have expert faculty with extensive industry experience. Their courses can be taken online and you get a certificate at the end of the course. You get an access period of 4 years to complete the course. You can clear your doubts with experienced TAs. The courses have a comprehensive curriculum structure and will ready you to enter the industry. Author - Atma Pai

Top 4 Things to Remember While Writing a Resume for Google - Coding Elements Programming Institute Tips

Top 4 Things to Remember While Writing a Resume for Google

Google is one of the top Tech Giants in the world and receives a lot of job applications and resumes daily from across the globe. Landing a job at Google is tough because the recruiters shortlist the absolute best applications only. That said, it is still possible to get hired by this excellent company. One of the most vital parts of any application is the resume. Google recruiters pay a lot of attention to the quality of the resume, and it is essential to write an impressive one.  How to Craft a Winning Resume for Google   Pay Attention to the Formatting of Your Resume   A well-formatted resume always provides a great first impression. Format your resume thoroughly and recheck many times for any issues.    Create a PDF file format for your resume. This can be easily done these days using MS Word or other tools.  Avoid Typos at all costs. Read through your resume many times and remove any typos that maybe there. You can also ask a friend or family member to read through your resume once and spot any typos that you might have missed.  Instead of writing long paragraphs of description, try and add bullets to your resume. Bullet points make your sentences easily legible.  Keep your font clear and simple, and avoid using bright font colors. The best color is black.  Keep the length on one page. For engineering and technical positions, it can be 1-2 pages since you might have to include project details. But, try to keep your resume as short and to-the-point as possible.     The Order of Education and Experience is Important For students or fresh graduates, you can place your education before your experience in reverse chronological order. Be sure to add all your education details like college, university, GPA, month and year of passing, etc.    If you are an experienced professional who has been working for some time now, you should add your most recent job experience, followed by the previous job, etc. Your education details should come after all the experience section is complete.   If you graduated many years ago, then you are expected to provide only the relevant education details and skip information like ‘Got First Prize in Essay Writing Competition in B. Tech 1st Year’.    List Your Accomplishments using X by Y by Z Formula   According to recruiters from Google, the best way to list your accomplishments is in the following format - Accomplished (x) as measured by (y) by doing (z).    Example: Won first prize out of 30 national teams in Codathon at Sun Tech by working with a team member to develop a game app.   This example shows that you won the first prize by competing with 29 other teams. You also showcase team spirit since you worked in a team.    For Technical Resumes You can include your GitHub link or any other contributions you might have made to the open-source community. Be sure to add your programming languages in your resume. Add your project details and include all the essential points. If you have worked on patents, presentations, papers, etc. you can include those details as well.    What You Should Avoid:   Confidential Information   Don’t include any confidential information about your previous employer as that doesn’t give a good impression about you. You can skip details like project name, etc. if it is confidential.    Lying About Your Skills    Don’t lie about anything on your resume. If you haven’t worked in a particular programming language or technology, then don’t add it to your resume. It’s always good, to be honest.    Getting shortlisted by Google isn’t easy, but it is possible. What’s most vital is that you work on your resume and prepare well. Don’t give up if you’re not selected at first, you can always keep trying.  Coding Elements is a highly reputed institute offering courses in the best technologies. Our teachers are highly skilled and have worked in the industry previously.  Coding Elements is offering a Live+ course Coding Interview Preparation to help you prepare for your coding interviews. This Live Coding Interview Preparation course is specifically developed for those wanting to move beyond theoretical concepts and learn to solve problems with the main aim of clearing an interview. This course helps you crack specific coding problems using logical thinking. This course is built keeping in mind the industry expectations from a candidate and comprises of many practice questions to help you become interview-ready.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in COVID-19 Battle - Coding Elements Programming Institute

The Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in COVID-19 Battle

The past few months have been a challenging time for the entire world.  COVID-19 the global pandemic has caused so much devastation, loss of lives, unemployment and has hit the world economy.  While every nation is continuously trying to fight the disease, there are a lot of studies going on to find a cure for it. Many companies are trying to utilize Artificial Intelligence to help fight this pandemic. Advantages of Artificial Intelligence (AI) High Productivity and Less Error-Prone AI systems, unlike human beings, can complete large amounts of work at a single time.  They don't need breaks like us. They are not prone to making human errors. Ability to transform many sectors AI can bring massive changes and development to industries like healthcare, tourism, etc. Handling of Risky Tasks Since AI systems are not human beings, they can handle many tasks that human beings can't handle. Research and Studies Machine Learning, Data Science, NLP can create many research breakthroughs.  Large chunks of data can be analyzed using various techniques, and insights can be found. undefined The Role of Artificial Intelligence in the battle against COVID-19 In the Field of Research A lot of research has been going on to find more information about the SARS-CoV-2 virus.  In this respect, many companies like Microsoft, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, etc. have come together and released the COVID Open Research Dataset (CORD-19).  CORD-19 is a database of useful information and research articles and is powered by Artificial Intelligence.  It can be accessed via Semantic Scholar - Allen Institute for AI's platform. CORD-19 has thousands of research papers to help scientists and medical researchers in their studies of the Corona Virus. Kaggle has created a challenge to encourage Data Scientists to find useful insights and information on COVID-19 using the CORD-19 Dataset.  Millions of Data Scientists are part of the community, and they can contribute their studies related to COVID-19. Robots to Help Reduce Human Exposure Many hospitals have considered introducing Robots to take up some tasks so that healthcare staff can be protected. AIIMS is planning to use robots by Milagrow during this time, according to the news. Boston Dynamics said in a tweet that they would introduce mobile robots to help reduce medical staff risks. Predictive Analytics AI techniques can be used to predict information about the pandemic.  Some companies use this technique in their research and work. For example, The Canadian Company BlueDot uses AI to predict crucial insights on diseases. They combine medical expertise with big data analytics and machine learning to come up with useful solutions. Discovering Vaccines Machine Learning techniques are being used to find the structure and other information about the virus so that a vaccine can be found soon. Helping People Receive Genuine News During any adversity, one of the biggest problems we have to encounter is that of fake messages and forwards on social media channels.  Fake news does nothing but spreads fear in the minds of people.  WHO has collaborated with Praekelt.Org to deliver precise and helpful information directly to people.  They have used AI to help with this initiative. Artificial Intelligence has an enormous scope in the present as well as in the future to help with global pandemics. Analyzing through large chunks of data and providing useful insights, predicting the progress of diseases, robotics, data visualization, NLP, etc. can help researchers tremendously.  AI has the capacity not just to help combat this pandemic but also to assist in future research. With the growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI) prospects, there is a dire need for skilled professionals in this field. This is an excellent time to learn advanced technologies like Data Science, Machine Learning and Deep Learning, Python Programming, R, etc. Coding Elements is a highly reputed institute offering extensive courses in these lucrative fields.  We have online programming courses that you can take from home at your own pace. We provide teacher support throughout the course.  Other features of CODING ELEMENTS Online Courses are: 4-Year Access to the Course Daily LIVE sessions for doubts and difficult topics! Online Videos Lifetime access to practice questions, hints, doubts Verified Certificate for your LinkedIn Profile

Top 13 Must-have Skills To Get Job In MNCs - Coding Elements Programming Institute Blog

Top 13 Must-have Skills To Get Job In MNCs

College Education has progressed a lot since time.  Colleges have changed their curriculum and tried to adapt to the requirements of the hour. Seminars, guest lectures, projects, etc. form part of a college education these days, to expand the knowledge of students. There is still a gap between the skills learnt at college and what top MNCs look for.  In this article, we look at some vital skills top MNCs are looking for. Non-Technical Skills Required by MNCs: Clear Communication – Verbal and Written   Communication plays the most crucial role, not just in the IT industry but across industries.  MNCs look for people who can express themselves clearly.   Collaboration and Team Skills   Work in the real industry involves working with the team.  Be it team meetings, knowledge sessions, or other activities, excellent collaboration skills, and team skills are essential for MNCs.  Confidence   Confidence is a skill that takes you a long way in your career. Everyone likes confident people.  This doesn’t necessarily mean loud and boisterous, but being comfortable expressing yourself confidently in all situations.  Time Management   In the real work environment, there will be many tasks that come up during the day – meetings, events, actual work, client visits, etc. Time Management is crucial in such a scenario.  Open to Change (Adaptability)   Adaptability is a great skill in an environment that is prone to a lot of changes – big and small.  Problem Solving Abilities   MNCs look for those who can take a complex problem, and find the most viable solution to it.  Problem Solving Skills are highly cherished at MNCs.   Perseverance   Being able to embrace failure, learn from it, and move on without giving up is a skill that will take you a long way in an MNC.  Sometimes, things don’t turn out the way you expect, and at such times it is vital not to give up. This skill is called Perseverance.    Now that we’ve looked at some of the essential soft skills let’s take a look at the technical skills.   Technical Skills Required by MNCs:    Strong Programming Foundation To write a big code, you need to know the core fundamentals of programming.  No matter which project you choose to work on in the future, if your fundamentals are strong, you will be able to work well.   Data Structures and Algorithms Many large companies look for people having in-depth knowledge of Data Structures and Algorithms since it shows that they will be able to solve complex problems well.  In today’s competitive world, knowing just the programming language syntax isn’t enough.  You need to be equipped with skills that can be applied across technologies.   Artificial Intelligence (AI) AI is a field that aims at developing a system having human capabilities.  AI, Machine Learning, NLP, etc. have a vast scope across areas and applications.  Sectors like healthcare, tourism, etc. can benefit a lot from AI.  Many tech giants, as well as startups, are trying to develop systems using AI and Machine Learning.  There is a shortage of skilled people in these fields, so having skills in any of these lucrative fields has a lot of value.   Data Science This is the age of data. Every human being is generating massive amounts of data every day.  Data Science is a field that used many methods and processes to understand hidden patterns in data and find valuable insights in it.  There is tremendous scope in this field.   Full Stack Development Since a Full Stack Developer works on multiple technologies and can handle the server-side as well as the client-side applications, they are in demand these days. Many technologies like React JS, Node JS are widely used by Full Stack Developers.    Mobile App Development Almost everyone these days used mobile phones.  The usage of mobile apps has increased exponentially across countries. MNCs see a lot of scope in Mobile App Development, and people with knowledge of Android, iOS, etc. are in demand.   Working at an MNC is a beautiful experience since you get to learn a lot, improve your skills, learn to work in teams, and progress in your career.  Many MNCs provide fun activities at campus, have many excellent facilities employees can make use of like gyms, gaming areas, etc.  If you wish to work in an MNC like Google, Microsoft, LinkedIn, this is a great time to upskill yourself and become ready for a cool future career.  Coding Elements has some exciting courses in the best technologies like Python for Data Science, Machine Learning and Deep Learning, Full Stack Development, Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, etc. We offer courses online as well, so you can learn from home with 4 year access to the content and Live doubt sessions.

Top Reasons behind Increasing Demand for Python Programming Language - Coding Elements

Top Reasons behind Increasing Demand for Python Programming Language

Python has been the buzzword in the programming community for some time now. Python has been around since it was created in the year 1991, but it has gained popularity in the past few years. Many applications use Python and there has been a need for skilled Python Programmers across the globe. Python is used in many fields and by many advanced technologies. Python has libraries that greatly help fields like AI, Machine Learning, etc. But is this popular language here to stay? Does it have any scope in the future? Let’s take a look at the Future Scope Of Python Programming in this article.   SOME FIELDS USING PYTHON: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) In computer science, artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and animals. - Wiki Pedia A lot of research is going on in the field of AI since it can be applied to many complex applications in the Travel, Health, Entertainment sectors, to name a few. Many large firms have invested in AI research across the globe and are working towards finding solutions that will change the way many industries function. Python has many libraries and tools that support AI work, as compared to other languages. This makes Python a favorite language of many programmers in this field. MACHINE LEARNING (ML) Machine Learning is a subset of AI. It deals with the ability of systems to learn and grow from their previous experience without any human intervention. Machine Learning has a lot of uses in functionalities like Video Recommendations on online streaming sites, Social Media, Virtual Personal Assistants, etc. There are subsets of Machine Learning like Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, and Reinforcement Learning. The ease of use of Python Programming Language along with many helpful libraries like Numpy, Skikit-learn, Keras, TensorFlow, Matplotlib has made it find extensive usage in Machine Learning applications. DATA SCIENCE The past few years have seen an exponential increase in the amount of data generated across the world. Data science is an interdisciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems to extract knowledge and insights from many structural and unstructured data. Data science is related to data mining and big data. - Wikipedia Python is a very versatile language and hence finds a lot of uses in different areas of Data Science. The extensive library support of Python helps analyze and work with large amounts of data. NETWORKING Python has found its way into the Networking field since it is highly secure and provides library support. Router configuration and other networking tasks can be automated using Python. WEB DEVELOPMENT Python is also used in Web Development by many companies. It provides many security features, has a lot of library support, and has frameworks like Django and Flask that make the work of programmers easier.   Top Reasons behind Increasing Demand for Python Programming EXTENSIVE LIBRARY SUPPORT Python has many libraries related to Machine Learning, Data Science, etc. They make the work of programmers easier since they can reuse the library. EASY AND READABLE LANGUAGE The syntax of Python is easy to read and it can be easily learned by even beginners. This is why many people prefer Python. OPEN SOURCE AND FREE Python is a Free and Open Source language. This makes a variety of smaller as well as bigger firms want to use Python. ENORMOUS COMMUNITY SUPPORT The community of Python Programmers is very large. So whenever anyone has a coding doubt or challenge, they can receive help and information from fellow community members. This is exceptionally helpful to people working on complex applications. After seeing so many benefits of using Python we can understand why it is so popularly used. The Future of Python in the industry looks bright because of it’s extensive use in upcoming fields and it’s great features. Python is already being used by many tech giants like Facebook and Google. There will be a huge requirement for skilled Python programmers due to the enormous opportunities that are opening across sectors. This is a good time to upskill and learn Python if you wish to move into any of the cool fields of the industry. Coding Elements offers an extensive Python Programming Training. This course is called Python for Data Science Online. The course provides an in-depth curriculum, hands-on exercises, Doubt Sessions, Placement Assistance, and many more exciting features.

Top 6 Reasons to Get Skilled in Python Programming in 2020

Top 6 Reasons to Get Skilled in Python Programming in 2020

Python has become one of the most trending programming languages in the past few years and is here to stay. Everyone seems to be talking about Python, and skilled Python Developers are in demand like never before. In this post, we will look into the characteristics that make Python so loved in the developer community and will also see the reasons to learn this language this year. The Cool Features of Python are: Very Simple to Learn and Read Python's syntax is very easy to learn and understand. Even absolute beginners won't have a problem understanding it's syntax. Highly Versatile Python can be used in a wide variety of applications in Data Science, the gaming industry, AI, etc. Thus many companies use Python to develop their applications. Extensive Library Support Since Python has many libraries, programmers can simply use these libraries for a lot of their routine work. This is especially beneficial while writing large programs or developing applications. Libraries can simply be re-used in any program and hence help during development. Some of the Python famous libraries are TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and Numpy. Open Source and Large Community Python is an open-source programming language. There is a large community of Python programmers who provide support and solutions to one another via common groups. There are many Python communities where coders can share their doubts and ask questions. They can discuss their Python-related issues in such communities. Now that we've seen some of the best qualities of Python let's take a look at the top 6 reasons to learn Python Programming in 2020. Python is used in Data Science According to Wikipedia, Data science is an interdisciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems to extract knowledge and insights from many structural and unstructured data. Data science is related to data mining and big data. Python is widely used by Data Scientists, Data Analysts, and others regularly. Its libraries like NumPy and Pandas have contributed to making Python famous in the field of Data Science. The area of Data Science and Big Data is growing, and there is a dire need for skilled professionals. The knowledge of Python can open opportunities in this field for you.   Artificial Intelligence (AI) widely uses Python Another very lucrative field is Artificial Intelligence (AI). This is a field that focuses on building intelligent machines that can take up tasks to help human beings. AI has a broad scope in the field of transportation, entertainment, and healthcare. Some of the subfields of AI include Machine Learning (ML), Neural Networks, and NLP. The field of AI also uses Python programming language a lot, and there is a great need for skilled programmers in AI. Python is used in Web Development Python is used in Web Development. Many applications use the Django framework for their web development. If you are interested in Web Development, then learning Python will open up many avenues in this field as well. CyberSecurity Applications use Python Many people use Python to develop applications that protect systems against malware attacks or other vulnerabilities. Python is also used in Penetration Testing functions. Cybersecurity is a field that is continuously growing. Every time an application is built, the need to protect it from threats gives rise to developments in the field of Cybersecurity field.   Python is used in Automation Python is used by many companies to automate routine tasks and functionalities. This saves up a lot of time and energy. Since Python comes with great library support, automation tasks become reasonably easy. Very Good Salary Prospects Since Python is so versatile and is used in many lucrative fields like we just discussed above, there is a significant demand for Python Programmers. They get paid very well, and with experience, there is a good chance for growth. With so many great features and uses, it is a good idea to learn the Python language and add it to your skillset. You will open up a variety of career options for yourself. You can also change fields in your career since many applications popularly use Python. In the coming times, there will be a huge need for people with Python expertise, so now is an apt time to get upskilled in this language. If you want to learn Python online, then you can check out Python for Data Science Online Course by Coding Elements. This is an extensive course where you will learn the language and apply it in numerous exercises. The course is designed by Industry Experts keeping in mind the relevant topics. Coding Elements also provides Career Support and Guidance.

Top 5 Ways to Develop Problem-Solving Skills in your Child - Coding Elements Institute

Top 5 Ways to Develop Problem-Solving Skills in your Child

We have all heard of the term Problem-Solving.  It is one of the most vital skills tested during entrance exams, job interviews, etc. Most industries prefer their employees to have excellent problem-solving skills, and this is an essential skill in life. What is Problem-Solving? According to Wikipedia, Problem-Solving consists of using generic or ad hoc methods in an orderly manner to find solutions to problems. Why is it important for children to learn Problem-Solving? As children go about their day-to-day, it is normal for them to come across different situations and challenges. If children learn the art of Problem-Solving at an early age, it helps them in a lot of ways: They face their daily life experiences with confidence, instead of running away from them. Children who have well-developed Problem Solving Skills will not hide from problems. These could be problems related to studies or play or anything else. They will try to find a way to deal with it and move past it. They perform better in their studies. Children who have excellent Problem Solving Skills tend to apply them in their studies as well. They aren't afraid of studying new things. Instead, they dive into the latest topics, understand concepts well, and are ready to continue learning. They have better chances of being successful in their careers in the future. Children who have been trained to solve problems are the ones who are keen to find solutions to more significant issues. This is the quality most industries are looking for in employees. It is also a trait of successful entrepreneurs. The confidence of children with well-developed Problem-Solving Skills is very high. They gain more confidence as they solve new problems, and this, in turn, makes them very confident individuals. Let's look at five great ways to help your child develop his Problem Solving Abilities. Encourage your child to solve his problem. Start small. When your child comes to you with a small problem, motivate him to find a solution himself. Be there with him through the process of finding a solution. Let's look at an example here. If your child has an art project to be completed by the weekend, instead of doing it for him or giving him all the details, let him find a topic that interests him and find ideas to do it. Ask him about his thoughts and be there to help if he needs any inputs. But let him try to think of ways to do it. This will help him feel the joy of having done his art project himself, and he will feel a sense of achievement.   When you see a problem in the world, get your child to think of possible solutions. “Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.” - Socrates Take any problem, like 'Water Scarcity'. Talk to your child about it and make him aware of the issue. Tell him how it's affecting everyone in the world - plants, animals, and human beings. Once the child is aware of the problem, gently ask him for his take on it, and what he thinks each of us can do to help. He may come up with some beautiful ideas of his own. This is a simple approach but is very useful. Tell your child it's ok to fail sometimes It is normal for your child not to be able to solve all the problems he encounters. At this time, it is essential to tell him not to give up. Let's look at this with a simple example. Your child tried to grow a few plants in the garden. He did everything he had to, but the plants didn't grow well. Instead of him giving up on the idea of ever taking up gardening, you can sit with him and find the possible reasons why the plants didn't grow. You can also work up solutions to help grow the plants better the next time. Teach him to accept failure and move on without giving up. This is a great skill to have, even as an adult. Encourage your child to ask questions “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”- Albert Einstein When your child comes to you with a problem or you have a discussion about any problem in the world, it is essential to let your child ask as many questions as he can. This simple process of asking questions might be what helps him come up with an answer as well.   When your child comes up with a solution, discuss other possible solutions as well Now that your child has spoken to you about his solution to a problem, it is a great practice to just sit with him and discuss or brainstorm other possible approaches with him. This will help him expand his thinking and will gradually help him improve his Problem Solving Skills. A little bit of practice goes a long way in helping your child become a better Problem Solver. This skill when developed in childhood will go a long way in making the child a successful individual. Let’s strive to make our future generation great thinkers, problem solvers, and contributors to society. Check out Coding for Kids LIVE course where your child will not just learn programming, but will also develop skills like Creative Self Expression, Problem Solving, and Logical Thinking. It is taught by very experienced teachers and is can be taken by your child from home. For more details, please book a free trial of Coding for Kids class for your child. Related topics: Top 10 activities for kids that can overcome the coronavirus shutdown Why Should Kids Learn to Code Top 7 Reasons Why Every Child Should Learn To Code

Benefits of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) - Coding Elements Programming Institute

Benefits of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in Life

The notion of emotional intelligence broadens the concept of intelligence beyond the intellectual domain and considers that intelligence includes emotions. Emotional intelligence is a set of skills that underlie accurate appraisal, expression, and regulation of emotions WHAT IS EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE? The notion of emotional intelligence broadens the concept of intelligence beyond the intellectual domain and considers that intelligence includes emotions. Emotional intelligence is a set of skills that underlie accurate appraisal, expression, and regulation of emotions. It is the feeling side of intelligence. A good IQ and academic record are not enough to be successful in life. You may find many people who are academically talented but are unsuccessful in their own lives. They experience problems in the family, workplace and interpersonal relationships. Have you ever wondered what do they lack? Some psychologists believe that the source of this difficulty is the lack of emotional intelligence. This concept when introduced was defined as "the ability to monitor one's own and other's emotions, to differentiate among them, and to use the information to guide one's thinking and actions." Emotional Quotient (EQ) is used to express emotional intelligence in the same way as Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is used to express intelligence. Over the years, it has been repeatedly proved that Emotional Quotient is much more strongly correlated to success than Intelligence Quotient. BENEFITS OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE ·       HIGH EQ AND HIGH IQ ARE CORRELATED: It has been experimentally observed that kids who have higher levels of emotional intelligence, tend to perform better on their academic assessments. ·       EQ INSURES BETTER RELATIONSHIPS (BUILDS INTERPERSONAL SKILLS): Children with high EQ can resolve conflicts amongst each other and hence can develop deeper friendships. The same goes for adults who develop better interpersonal skills which are important to carry out their both, professional and personal lives. ·       CHILDHOOD EQ IS DIRECTLY LINKED TO ADULTHOOD ENDEAVOURS : The American Journal of Public Health 19 years ago published a study stating that a kid's social and emotional skills in kindergarten reflect in their future endeavors. At age 5, if the kids were able to share and cooperate with others while following orders, they were more likely to be employed full time, by 25. ·       EQ INSURES BETTER MENTAL HEALTH: It is a proven fact that people with high emotional intelligence are less likely to experience mental disorders such as depression etc.   HOW TO INCULCATE EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE IN YOUR CHILD? It is not a difficult task if it seems so; all you have to do is follow some basic steps. STEP 1: UNDERSTAND YOUR CHILDS’ EMOTIONS AND LABEL THEM We often neglect our kids' advancements in terms of emotions. Emotions are what they will go through every day and each day they will experience a different set of emotions. Identify what and how they feel. Make tour kids understand the differences between positive and negative emotions such as happiness, joy, and anger, sadness respectively. Label their emotional states as when they are happy as "happy" and when they are sad as "sad". This will help them differentiate emotions. STEP 2: EMPATHIZE WITH YOUR KIDS Empathy means to put yourself in the other persons' shoes and understand from their perspective. We don't exercise this often and only see the situations from our perspective and then make decisions based on them. This can lead to distancing between relationships. Kids, many times commit mistakes and then hide them and when we get to know of about it, it's our natural tendency to get angry. But instead of just scolding, we should empathize with kids and understand their psychology behind that particular incident.   STEP 3: EXERCISE EXCHANGE OF FEELINGS WITH YOUR KIDS For a conversation to be effective, both parties must be able to exchange their share of feelings, thoughts, ideas, etc. We should implement this in our homes as well because we need to understand the thoughts and feelings of our kids and vice-versa.        STEP 4: TEACH YOUR KIDS PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS Problems will always make their way in our lives so matter what we do. So the best way to deal with them is to face them and build the necessary solutions. This skill is very much essential in real-life and our kids should develop this skill from childhood itself. STEP 5: HELP YOUR KIDS DEVELOP HEALTHY COPING SKILLS Sometimes in life, we experience some situations that are brutal and difficult to survive. In such cases, we must not lose our calm and maintain our composure so that we can deal with the troubles with a stable mindset. A coping mechanism is a natural tendency that our body practices in a state of panic. Maintaining mental composure is the most important and hence we should help our kids develop it. STEP 6: MODEL EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE THROUGHOUT YOUR LIVES Even if you feel that you have reached the stage where you have developed emotional stability, there is always some space for progress. Never feel that you have achieved the stage of perfection because few things are required to be carried out throughout the journey of life no matter how much we excel in them.    Book a FREE Coding for Kids Live class to learn more the benefits of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Related links: Social And Emotional Learning (Sel) – What Parents Should Know Why Social-Emotional Learning Is A Core Competency In The Coming Future How the future of education depends on social-emotional learning Top 10 activities for kids that can overcome the coronavirus shutdown Why Should Kids Learn to Code Top 7 Reasons Why Every Child Should Learn To Code 5 Reasons Why Online Learning is More Effective Programming for Kids: The Top 8 Do’s and Don’ts

How to teach your Kids programming - Coding Elements Programming Institute

Coding for Kids: How To Teach Your Kids Programming Skills Step By Step

Kids have compassionate personalities. They don't like doing anything that doesn't please them, so it becomes essential for us as their parents/guardians to help them develop interests in things that are beneficial for them. Learn about the most important steps to help your child get started with programming. As far as coding is concerned, there are ample of ways by which a kid will definitely get inclined towards coding the best of them being Robots and Games. Program controlled bots are versatile and are used in the auto sector, in the healthcare sector, in astronomy, agricultural industry, and a lot more, whereas games are the best suitable medium along with drawings and animations that are eye-catchy and instantly seem interesting.   STEP 2: UNDERSTANDING KIDS’ PSYCHOLOGY For our efforts to be fruitful and efficient, we need to understand what’s going on behind that little mind of our kids'. We can start by teaching them coding basics and make them develop interest. Once that happens, they will become more and more curious, which will push them further, and they will start putting their efforts. Because kids have flexible minds, they can be easily molded towards a specific goal provided we use the correct means. Also, it is a scientifically proven fact that kids are quick learners in comparison to teenagers and adults, so they will grab skills sooner.   STEP 3: ACTIVITY-BASED LEARNING Activity-based learning to date serves as the most efficient way of learning. Because we use practical measures to teach kids, it seems more realistic and fun for them to learn. Activities are more and more being included in the school curriculums solely because they have a more significant impact on kids' learning and develop their skills and abilities faster.  Through activities, children find it easier to understand and follow and make use of their brains in the best possible ways, as shown in many studies lately.   STEP 4: TEACHING DRAG AND DROP LANGUAGES Now the actual teaching part starts, so to begin with, drag and drop languages have proved to be the most effective programming languages to teach kids with. Drag and drop tools are simple to use and very interesting from the kids' aspect. The most famous Scratch and Blockly while, Touch develop, and beetle blocks are among others. Once the student gets a hold of these, he/she can easily be directed towards using high-level programming languages like JavaScript, Ruby, etc.   STEP 5: PLAY-WAY LEARNING If you could play and learn at the same time, what more could one possibly ask for? The sole objective kids have is playing, and wouldn't it be fun if they could learn this way as well? What we can do is make the programming sessions fun and interactive for them. A simple example, your kid is climbing upstairs; you could teach them counting say the first five digits; so count the steps together with them as they climb. Move back and forth so that they remember the numbers from both the orders. Similarly, there are many more ways that you can come up with, which will be different from the traditional textbook teaching way.   STEP 6: OBSERVATIONAL LEARNING Observation is a critical skill that is required in life. You have to be a patient observer to get a better understanding of things. Kids learn from what they see, and so do we. Our surroundings influence kids the most. For example, we often tell our kids not to do something, but we don't realize that we might be doing the same thing. This, if noticed by kids, will create a sense of retaliation in them. So what you teach, make sure we don't do it yourselves.   STEP 7: DEVELOPING RAPPORT WITH KIDS We often don’t pay a lot of attention to our kids in terms of their personal lives and the people they have around. It's important for us to be a significant part of their lives not with the intention of spying, but to be comfortable with them and keeping the communication as an elder and family intact.  This helps the kids because they share their thoughts, experiences, ideas, and what all has been happening so that we guide them in the best possible way.   STEP 8: LEVELING UP WITH KIDS Once we understand how they feel, we can plan accordingly for the best suitable course for them. Different age groups' suited courses are available by many excellent institutions.   STEP 9: PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES We can make it simpler by making them friendly with computers and comparing the human world to the virtual world. When we communicate in our daily lives, we use our native languages, and maybe others too. Take this as an example that in the same way, we need a language to communicate with computers also. In human lives, we either use our native languages like Hindi, Gujarati, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, etc. or maybe some other like English, German, Spanish, etc., in the virtual world we need tech languages like JavaScript, HTML, Python, Ruby, etc.   STEP 10: VISUALIZATION AND IMAGINATION Programming is a matter of creativity, and for that, you need imagination. Visualization and imagination help in setting up goals and taking the appropriate steps towards the fulfillment of these goals.    STEP 11: TEAMWORK (INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS) Teamwork is of the utmost importance when it comes to programming because you have a team comprising of many people who work together to complete the real-life projects.  "The more, the merrier," hence the output as a team, turns out to be more productive. Also, teamwork (Interpersonal Relationships) is one of the basic 12 life skills that we must have. Schools these days also have a lot of group projects to promote teamwork between the students from an early age.   STEP 12: WEBSITES There are many websites and online coding resources that are meant for kids like CodeCombat,, Code Avengers, Code monsters, etc. that teach programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc. effectively and quickly.   STEP 13: WORDS OF WISDOM Words have the most power in comparison to anything. What we might not be able to do physically, we could do it just by using a few but impactful words. Positive words reflect positive behavior and vice-versa. So all you need to do is throw some words of wisdom inside your kids' brain, and that is all it takes. Book a FREE online Coding Class for Kids to learn more about most-in demand programming skills.   Related links: Why Should Kids Learn to Code Top 7 Reasons Why Every Child Should Learn To Code Why everyone should learn to program Why Social-Emotional Learning Is A Core Competency In The Coming Future How the future of education depends on social-emotional learning Top 10 activities for kids that can overcome the coronavirus shutdown


From the changing world scenario, it is quite evident that marks, percentage or grades are not the only parameters that determine the success of a student. Gone are those days when marks used to be the only chance to find your dream job or to be successful. Parents used to feel that their kids must excel in academics to gain success. This also created rifts between parents and their kids due to continually being pressurized. Marks and grades still weigh important, but times have changed, and now that's not the only option to shine. Skills and achievements are the two parameters that can turn the tables even if you don't have a shining report card. WHAT IS SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL LEARNING? SEL or Social Emotional Learning is a process that allows kids and adults to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, make responsible decisions, and feel empathetic towards others while establishing positive relationships and being able to maintain them. Over the years, researchers and psychologists have repeatedly proved that EQ (Emotional Quotient) is much more strongly correlated to success than IQ (Intelligence Quotient). WHY IS SOCIAL EMOTIONAL LEARNING (SEL) A BOON FOR STUDENTS? Out of the multiple benefits, the following are of utmost importance: ·       IMPROVEMENT IN ACADEMIC ORIENTATION OF STUDENTS The reports of 2014 Meta-Analysis clearly stated that students who showcased social-emotional abilities scored more marks than the other students. Hence teaching SEL in schools is beneficial for the students because they develop a good rapport with their teachers and in turn, feel more relaxed and confident, ultimately boosting their result.   ·       INCREASED AND EFFECTIVE SOCIAL INTERACTIONS SEL educational programs have received great feedback from educators, students, and their parents. While in growing age, kids need to have a role model to keep them motivated and inspired and that's the responsibility of their teachers and parents to step in as their role models demonstrating various emotions like empathy and kindness and thoughtfulness.   ·       BETTER CONDUCT IN THE CLASSROOMS Studies have shown that kids who showcased social-emotional skills showed improved behavior and greater academic orientation. Moreover, they were able to combat depression and academic pressure. They could also pen down better healthy alternatives for themselves and for others too.   ·       STUDENTS WITH EARLY IDENTIFIED ISSUES SHOWED GREAT RESULTS The previously identified students showed less disrupted behavior. They had an array of positivity for others and felt confident and good about themselves too.   ·       DECREASED DISRUPTIVE/AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR IN STUDENTS Students indulging in SEL showed behavioral improvements, especially in combating depression and aggression. Moreover, kids that excelled in SEL during their schooling showed lesser behavioral and psychological distress issues by 10% by the age of 25.   ·       DECREASED EMOTIONAL DISTRESS IN STUDENTS It was pretty evident that SEL influenced students which enabled them to fight anxiety, setbacks, depression, stress and concentrate on several things simultaneously having increased their efficiency due to improved central executive psychological capacities like inhibitory control and more efficient planning abilities.   ·       POSITIVE SOCIAL CONDUCT EXHIBITED BY STUDENTS SEL enhances students' social interactions which, along with self-knowledge, is necessary for students to showcase signs of SEL like building and retaining the positive, productive association with their colleagues, parents, guardians, and acquaintances. Having social relations keeps the student enthusiastic and motivated because they develop a sense of zeal to perform better. Book a FREE online Coding Class for Kids to learn more the benefits of programming & social-emotional learning skills for kids Related links: Social And Emotional Learning (Sel) – What Parents Should Know Why Social-Emotional Learning Is A Core Competency In The Coming Future How the future of education depends on social-emotional learning Top 10 activities for kids that can overcome the coronavirus shutdown Why Should Kids Learn to Code Top 7 Reasons Why Every Child Should Learn To Code 5 Reasons Why Online Learning is More Effective Programming for Kids: The Top 8 Do’s and Don’ts

How My Kid Transformed After Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Lessons

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) experience by a mother of 7 years old child. There is ample research that asserts that integration of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is advantageous for kids. All parents wanted their kids to experience it first-hand, and so I enrolled him in a three-month SEL program. I am glad to report that the SEL courses changed my kid’s life for the better How My Kid Transformed After Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Lessons? Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) has enhanced my kid’s ability to listen and absorb information at home and in school. My kid who is 7 years old – has become a better listener. His responses have become more measured Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) has enabled my kid to have a stronger value system. He understands the worth of kindness, respect, honesty, empathy, and responsibility. (He does his room chores on his own – and I don’t have to prod him for it now) Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) has promoted my kid to initiate social relationships. He’s an introvert like me and therefore he used to take time to open up to new faces around him. Now though, thanks to SEL, he has become more proactive in forming friendships As Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) stresses on engaging learning experiences, my young boy has become comfortable in his studies. Earlier, doing homework and going to school used to make him anxious and restive. But with Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), he feels more secure and at ease with his education I may have listed only 4 bullet-points to share the transformation of my kid. But, they are big changes. And I cannot wait to see how the aforesaid changes will impact him in his later years. For now, I am just thankful that I put in a Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) program by Coding Elements Institute.  Book a FREE online Coding Class for Kids to learn more the benefits of social emotional learning skills hidden curriculum with programming for kids course. Social And Emotional Learning (Sel) – What Parents Should Know Why Social-Emotional Learning Is A Core Competency In The Coming Future How the future of education depends on social-emotional learning Impact Of Emotions On Memory And Learning Behaviour

Top 10 Activities For Kids That Can Overcome The Coronavirus Shutdown

We feel it’s safe to say that a maximum of us are getting bored from being it the kids or the adults and even the oldies for that matter; in this Coronavirus shutdown situation. NO school, NO outdoor play, NO office, NO college. NO parties, NO gathering, and the list go on and on and on. Well nobody wants to sit idle but nobody was expecting a suddenly extended vacation in the first place.   It still seems manageable for the Adults to handle themselves but the kids, don’t have schools to go to and it’s getting troublesome for parents to handle them.  So here are 10 time killing yet interesting activities for kids to do at home during Coronavirus shutdown:   1)     COMPLETING PENDING HOMEWORK/ASSIGNMENT Let’s start with the most boring part i.e. pending homework or assignment. Now that you and your kids have ample time and almost nothing to do, make them finish off their impending work.   2)     MAKE THEM READ BOOKS THAT INTEREST THEM Everybody must develop a habit of reading books sooner or later for obvious reasons. WE think this is something most of us miss out on because of other entertainment sources out there but nothing can replace the essence of books. Help your kids develop this habit as well. If you don’t have a lot of collection don’t you worry because e-books are there to save your day.   3)     HAVE SOME FAMILY TIME This is something we often forget to do because everybody’s the busy schedule; not like the old days wherein people used to sit together and chit-chat for hours and laugh aloud. WE feel this is very important because communication holds every relationship together, family being the first. So even if you haven’t done it for a while now is the appropriate time. Just sit together and rekindle your old memories together and We're sure everybody will love it.   4)     MAKE THEM POLISH THEIR HOBBIES In our hectic lives, we no longer find the time to relax let alone for our hobbies. Now is the time to pursue our hobbies as well. Everybody has a hidden talent/ hobby that they’d love to do given the time for it, and so do your kids. Even if they don’t have one it’s never late to develop a hobby. Just let them explore options and see what interests them and pick one.   5)     HELP THEM DEVELOP NEW SKILLS WITH CODING SKILLS Apart from the hobbies your kids already have, make them learn something new and useful that they can make use of in the longer run. In this era where technology has taken over everything, isn’t it a good idea to make your kids part of the circle as well. Let them learn how to Code. Why should kids learn to code? Coding will not only enhance Kid's computational skills but also foster creativity and other life skills like problem-solving and thinking.   We are offering coding for kids online course. Book a FREE class for your Kids now.   6)     INDULGE THEM IN ACTIVITIES THAT ENHANCE CREATIVITY Ever heard of DIYs? It stands for DO IT YOURSELF! Just as the name suggests, make your kids indulge in a few creativity related activities to unleash the little creator inside them. There are a number of things that they can make of course under your supervision wherever needed. You could refer to Google or YouTube, they are filled with DIYs.   7)     PLAY INDOOR GAMES TOGETHER By indoor games, WE don’t mean video games and stuff. WE mean board games and brain teasers. They used to be a thing back in the day but considering the current generation, people don’t even look at them. They still are interesting and you better give it a shot now. Ludo, Snakes & Ladders, Carom, Card games, etc. there are so many options one could possibly think of.   8)     LET THEM REDISCOVER THEIR OLD TOYS Keeping the game's topic on, We're sure they're used to be games that your kids might have played with but no longer play. Help them find them and rediscover the essence and joy of playing with toys.   9)     TEACH THEM HOW TO COOK Cooking is another thing people should know how to do. Now that you cannot leave your houses, there are not very many items that everybody loves eating being addicted to eating junk. So to make things interesting, try out a few basic but different recipes using the same old stuff. Teach your kids as well because this will not just satisfy your taste buds but help them learn how to cook as well and nobody hates cooking so We're sure this will be a good experience for them and you will have some family time as well so it’s a win-win situation.   10)  WATCH MOVIES TOGETHER The best and most appreciated way for time pass is watching movies. Watch some classics or informative or Sci-FI movies (whatever genre suits you) with your kids. There are enormous movies out there that you can sit together and watch following a discussion after that as well. See what your kids learn and it’ll be fascinating to watch them raise questions and trigger their brain cells as well.   WE hope this helps you and your kids to utilize time in a good way and not just sit idle doing absolutely nothing. As long as this lockdown continues WE hope everybody is taking the appropriate precautionary measures on their part to let’s all stand strong and fight this epidemic together till then Stay Inside, Stay Safe! Book a FREE online Coding Class for Kids to learn more the benefits of programming for kids Related links: Top 10 activities for kids that can overcome the coronavirus shutdown Why Should Kids Learn to Code Top 7 Reasons Why Every Child Should Learn To Code Why everyone should learn to program 5 Reasons Why Online Learning is More Effective Social And Emotional Learning (Sel) – What Parents Should Know Why Social-Emotional Learning Is A Core Competency In The Coming Future How the future of education depends on social-emotional learning Programming for Kids: The Top 8 Do’s and Don’ts

Impact Of Emotions On Memory And Learning Behaviour

Emotions! We often use this term in our daily lives probably because we experience different emotions on a daily basis. Every day, is different and so is the level of our emotions. You might feel ecstatic as you rise up in the morning but the level of happiness settles down as the day passes, or it could be you woke up all grumpy probably because you hate to get up early but as the day progresses, you feel calm and happy. There is no such thing as constant emotions because we keep switching our emotions throughout the day depending upon our experiences and feelings. Most of us don’t ponder upon it as we start to age or get busy in our lives. Teens or students are the ones who get to realize their emotions better than any of us. It is not a hidden fact that in our life span, we often undergo emotional turmoils that help us to grow as a person. While growing up, we pay the most attention to our emotions or attitude because come on we care about of a lot of things like how we look or how others look at us, how we talk, how we perform, etc. the list is endless That is a different journey altogether, and we all go through it. And because we care so much, we experience a lot of things and realize a lot about us and how we feel.  Hence as we grow up, we realize emotions play a major part in pretty much everything. HOW DO EMOTIONS AFFECT LEARNING AND MEMORY? Emotions influence all of our cognitive processes right from attention, perception, memory, learning, and reasoning to language, thinking, and problem-solving. Emotions certainly influence every process differently, the strongest on attention. The selectivity of attention can easily be altered along with behavior and action. Psychologists have proved that learning, memory, and behavior have shown to have a positive effect because of happiness and negative effects such as anger, depression, and sadness due to negative emotional states likewise. Prolonged emotional distress can incapacitate an individuals' ability to learn.  Emotions also function encoding and play a part in the retention and retrieval of information. However, the impact of emotions on learning and memory is subjective, as shown by studies that state that emotions either impair or enhance learning and LTM i.e., long term memory retention, depending upon an array of aspects. DO EMOTIONS PLAY A ROLE IN DETERMINING SUCCESS? Emotions play a crucial role in our lives, more than we realize. No matter what you do, if you're not in a good mood, you won't be able to get the best results. As for the question, emotions do play a role in success. Well, you must be thinking that I am joking, but that's not the case. In fact, EQ or Emotional Quotient is considered an essential factor these days to determine your success. Researchers and psychologists have repeatedly proved that EQ (Emotional Quotient) is much more strongly correlated to success than IQ (Intelligence Quotient). Times have changed, and now a number of things are taken into consideration by the world that were previously neglected, most of them being psychological factors. It is high time or beyond high time that these steps should have been taken and changes should have been implemented because now not only physical health counts but mental health does too as stated by the World Health Organization or WHO “the state of physical, mental and social well being of a person is defined as Good health” which clearly includes mental health too which now, more than ever satisfies as an essential factor. Book a FREE online Coding Class for Kids to learn more the benefits of programming & social-emotional learning skills for kids Related links: Social And Emotional Learning (Sel) – What Parents Should Know Why Social-Emotional Learning Is A Core Competency In The Coming Future How the future of education depends on social-emotional learning Top 10 activities for kids that can overcome the coronavirus shutdown Why Should Kids Learn to Code Top 7 Reasons Why Every Child Should Learn To Code 5 Reasons Why Online Learning is More Effective Programming for Kids: The Top 8 Do’s and Don’ts

Top Reasons Why It Is Important For Your Kids To Learn Coding - Coding Elements

Top 8 Reasons Why It Is Important For Your Kids To Learn Coding in 2020

Technology has created an uproar in the world. Not just in their fraternity, but it has taken its toll over everything. In this generation where nobody knows when the tables are going to turn, we must make ourselves and our younger ones prepared for all the challenges and capable enough to learn and master every skill. Out of the very many reasons, here are the top reasons for your kids to learn to code.   1)     CODING FOSTERS CREATIVITY   Computer Programming is an experimental process and allows kids to learn while being open to exploring. Of course, when you are in the middle of exploring a particular subject, skill, or even an idea, you use your brain to think about it particularly and also all the other parameters that you could possibly think of. This leads to fostering creativity because you will think of new inputs as well as outputs. Also, creativity develops confidence in kids, and that would boost their self-esteem.    2)     CODING ENHANCES THINKING ABILITIES   Because Coding is experimental; it triggers the brain cells, which in turn makes the kids think of various possible methods or measures in programming. Thinking ability is something that is necessary for every human being, and if the kids can develop it while they are still young, wouldn't that be a treat to their parents?   3)     CODING DEVELOPS PROBLEM-SOLVING SKILLS   Nobody has and nobody can ever get rid of problems; all you can do is learn to face and solve them. Problems could be in daily lives or in Math or in programming. Only the circumstances and modes change, but the basic idea to solve a problem remains the same. As for kids, when they learn to code, they are bound to solve problems, and their success only boosts their confidence and builds up their problem-solving skills so that they are capable enough to overcome any adversity in their future.   4)     CODING ENSURES RESILIENCE SINCE CHILDHOOD   Because coding involves practice and problem-solving, kids will face success ad well as failure in it, but that does not stop them. The more they fail, the more they learn from their mistakes and think of other ways, which only makes them more and more determined over time and develops resilience from a young age. Resistance is another quality that is important to have because life is a roller coaster ride with both ups and downs, and to face them with courage and never run from situations is what keeps you going.   5)     CODING MAKES MATHS INTERESTING FOR KIDS   As a kid, even we used to dislike math, and we are surely many other kids feel the same and believe us if this disliking continues, then nothing my friend, nothing can change it. But here we have coding to the rescue. Programming involves Math in Logics and Calculations, and most of the time, people don’t even realize that they are actually using Math to code, which ultimately develops their fondness for Math. The aim is to help kids turn into mathematical thinkers and not just calculators.   6)     CODING IS FULL OF FUN   Since children tend to take everything as boring and treat them as the usual subjects; coding proves to be distinct. It is not an ordinary subject, but in other words, computational skills and skills differ from subjects. Also, you don't have to memorize things all it takes is practice with concentration.   7)     CODING IS CLEARLY THE FUTURE OF THE WORLD   With the technological revolution, this is the era of digitalization, and literally, every industry involves the use of technology. Coding not just fosters a number of skills but is also a promising career option. With every passing day, the need for coders is only and only increasing. There is definitely going to be brutal competition in the future, and this sector will face the most. So all the parents who are pushing their kids to learn to code are making the right choices.   8)     INDUSTRY IS IN DIRE NEED OF SKILLED PEOPLE      As stated in the above point, the need for skilled people is constantly increasing. There are so many job opportunities and not enough people. But the more and more people are getting aware of it, they seem to have been taking appropriate actions as well. People from all other diverse fields are switching their jobs in order to settle in this fraternity. Software Industry promises good pay, which has caught the eye of middle-aged men who are willing to learn the skill and fit in. Book a FREE online Coding Class for Kids to learn more the benefits of programming for kids Related links: Top 10 activities for kids that can overcome the coronavirus shutdown Why Should Kids Learn to Code Top 7 Reasons Why Every Child Should Learn To Code Why everyone should learn to program 5 Reasons Why Online Learning is More Effective Social And Emotional Learning (Sel) – What Parents Should Know Why Social-Emotional Learning Is A Core Competency In The Coming Future How the future of education depends on social-emotional learning Programming for Kids: The Top 8 Do’s and Don’ts


Learning doesn't necessarily mean to start reading books; it merely is the acquisition of knowledge and experience through various methods mainly by observing, being taught, or reading. We won’t be surprised if you’re surprised right now. This is a highly anticipated topic in itself right. A number of endless discussions can take place on it. But let me break the ice for you. Yes! There are skills that will stay with you forever or even after probably.. (who knows?) BUT coming back to the point, Learning is a lifelong process I’m sure everybody knows that. Learning never stops or you never stop to learn. As long as you breathe you will keep on learning new things. Learning doesn't necessarily mean to start reading books; it merely is the acquisition of knowledge and experience through various methods mainly by observing, being taught, or reading.  Now that we're through with what learning is, let's have a look at the ten learning skills too:   ·       CURIOSITY The first step toward learning is curiosity. A learner must be an observer first. When you start to observe, you realize end number of things and can't help but raise a lot of questions. This is the first step. In order to learn, you must be capable enough to question existing ideas, etc. This is an essential learning skill that one must possess. Curiosity will always push you towards excellence because it will enable your mind to open up and explore what is around you. Never ever stop being curious because, without curiosity, you will never develop an interest, be it anything.   ·       THINKING ABILITIES The second stage of a learner is to be a thinker! When you are already curious, you will have a lot of questions, and to find the answers, you will trigger your brain cells continuously. Thinking is a lifelong process infact if it could be measured, I'm sure what consumes most of our time is thinking. Critical thinking is what counts to change the world scenario today. If one has the zeal to redefine ideas or intention to conquer the future, critical thinking is what will take you forward.    ·       PROBLEM-SOLVING The third skill is problem-solving. Gradually we all enter the stage where we are wrapped around in between a lot of problems. Why you are in a problem is not necessary, what counts is how you deal with it. Problem-solving ability is very much needed in life not just to build solutions for real-life adversities but also to face the challenges that you might come across in your working environment more so in Software industries, and handle them with appropriate attitude and solutions.   ·       CREATIVITY Creativity determines students' confidence. It might not seem like the only learning aspect, but it definitely is an essential factor that determines success. Educators and parents highly promote creativity all around the world because it is a mode of communication, as it in itself is a language that helps people exchange their ideas, passion, experiences, etc. In this era where competition is fierce, companies are looking for creative people in order to develop an extraordinary/ unique product, to claim their own USP or unique selling point.   ·       INFORMATION GATHERING AND MANAGEMENT Information is the facts that are to be used. When these facts or information becomes useful, it is termed as data. Internet is a broad platform that will never fall short of memory or space, unlike our mobile phones, pen drives, memory cards, laptops/PC, etc.; hence there is a lot of information present, and it is difficult for it to become data, the reason being the abundance of information. Now what plays the critical role is how to make this information useful for your work or yourself. Gathering information might not seem difficult thanks to the easily accessible internet, but analyzing and deducing the information is another skill that accounts for learning.   ·       COMMUNICATION In this generation where digitalization has dethroned all other mediums, communication no longer faces an obstacle because of too many options available. Chats, SMS, phone calls, video calls, internet calls, regular calls, and what not? Without a doubt, people can communicate with each other. A person must have good communication skills for communication to be efficient and for the development of a healthy relationship between two or more people. It can face barriers due to a lot of reasons like language, culture, social barriers, physical environment, psychological barriers, etc. resulting in the failure of communication.   ·       COLLABORATION Another important skill required in today's world is Collaboration. Office projects often require collaboration with other departments or companies, and even school nowadays have group projects to increase communication between students and inculcate teamwork in them. Teamwork is one the most crucial skill that will take you forward in life, be it personally or professionally, and hence collaborative abilities are indeed required as a lifelong skill.   ·       LEADERSHIP Leadership skill is said to be a skill that can transform a person's life. A leader has a lot of responsibilities to serve towards work and the team. A leader is a good visualizer, motivator, guide, and gives direction to his/her fellow mates to achieve a specific goal. Apart from motivating his/her team members, he/she is also the problem-solver. He/she sets himself/herself as an example by doing and following all the tasks. Attempts to nurture leadership qualities in students should be done from an early age.   ·       ADAPTABILITY Adaptability is the ability of an individual to adjust in different situations. Life is not static; the surroundings and situations keep on changing. To be a successful person, an individual is required to have the adaptability to face, adjust, and succeed in different circumstances. This skill of adjustment learned and acquired is an invaluable asset to a person, which helps throughout his/her life, helping him/her to achieve success and fulfill his/her ambitions.   ·       REFLECTION Reflection is a meta-cognitive strategy by which learners, whether as an individual or organization, are able to reflect upon themselves and introspect their past experiences and actions. Reflection is a lifelong process because in order to succeed, we need to ponder upon our actions, realize our mistakes so that we do not repeat them and learn from our past experiences to excel in the future.     Book a FREE online Coding Class for Kids to learn more the benefits of programming & social emotional learning skills for kids Related links: Top 10 activities for kids that can overcome the coronavirus shutdown Why Should Kids Learn to Code Top 7 Reasons Why Every Child Should Learn To Code 5 Reasons Why Online Learning is More Effective Social And Emotional Learning (Sel) – What Parents Should Know Why Social-Emotional Learning Is A Core Competency In The Coming Future How the future of education depends on social-emotional learning Programming for Kids: The Top 8 Do’s and Don’ts

Mobile App Development with React: An Overview

Alright, so many of you might not be familiar with the term REACT NATIVE Mobile App Development. Although that’s just a hunch anyhow taking in the most basic question first, React Native is a framework that provides a set of components as well as extensions that authorize the developers to write native Android and IOS applications by employing only JavaScript and the React UI library. Originally created by Facebook, it was made accessible and open source in the year 2015. Before moving any further, let’s get a bit palsy-walsy with some more related terminologies. And to start with first is Native Apps.  Native apps are apps for particular mobile devices example smartphones, tablets etc. that are installed directly on the respective device. They are generally obtained through an online or marketplace such as The App Store and Google Play for IOS and Android respectively. Examples of native apps are KeePassDroid for Android and Camera+ for IOS. Next we have, Hybrid Apps which are applications that are installed on any mobile just like others. The difference is that they contain segments from native apps and applications developed for a certain platform like IOS or Android, with segments from websites and web apps that perform like apps but are not installed on a device but are accessible on the internet via any browser.  Examples are Ionic, Framework 7, and Xamarin etc. And lastly Mobile Web Apps are the internet enabled apps which have certain operation for mobile devices. They are approached through the mobile device’s web browser and hence don’t require to be downloaded and installed on the device. Examples are pretty common like BookMyShow, OLX, Forbes, Pinterest etc.   Now the main question is why do we need to use React Native for mobile app development? Alright, so React Native makes it possible to share a lot of codes between Android, IOS and Web. So even if there is a notable part that may have to be platform-specific, there is no requirement for hiring any mobile native developer. Hence it’s a win-win situation you see! Other reasons are: ·        PERFORMANCE- Okay so the hybrid apps and mobile web apps working on both IOS and Android have got a lot of appraisal for them being lesser apps. But the fact that hybrid does slow down for a bit complicate apps while performing cannot be neglected. The apps that are made through React Native are assembled into pure native codes which mean that they’ll be working on both the operating systems as well as also function the same way as the natively written apps.  REUSABILITY- Definitely important when it comes to React Native because the native components are the building blocks which can be assembled into the native languages of objective for example Java and C for Android and IOS respectively. React Native enables same speed in accessing mobile development without abandoning usability and quality which is not the case in web development.   CROSS- PLATFORM- Originally developed for IOS, React Native was further developed for Android support as well after it became vogue and also due to its favorable outcome by Facebook. This means that henceforth, only codebase is required for the concurrent development of IOS and Android also resulting in lower developmental costs.  MAINTAINABILITY- One sure thing is that React Native utilizes JavaScript a lot which enables the developers to peep into other people’s projects pretty easily. The parts that are written in React Native, of a specific app, won’t face any issues in collaborating with parts written in the native languages for Android and IOS. For example, a React Native developer is asked to build an app for both the operating systems. Normally, this will be done by writing most of the codes on React Native and then for the optimization of a few segments of the app, the native languages will be used. Nevertheless, the way how he wants to develop the app completely depends on the developer. The native languages of an operating system can be used for the optimization of any app but also it can be used for writing the parts of the app as well. Now because React Native builds near native apps, Mobile apps that are created using React Native perform well as any other native app. However, JavaScript is not as fast as native language; React Native along with JavaScript can run even the most complicated apps in a flush.   It’s quite evident now that React Native is the future when it comes to mobile application development and who knows what it further surprises us with. I think it’s safe to say that many people are indulging in learning this course to give a better dimension to their careers. Free Mobile App Development with React - Online Course

Coding Classes for Kids - Coding Elements Coding & Programming Institute

Coding Classes for Kids - Top Coding Programs 2020

Well to start with, coding does not restrict people from learning it. No matter what the age is, be it a kid, an adult, or even an old aged for that matter. All that counts is the willingness of the person to learn to program. We, here at Coding Elements aim to teach everyone all across the nation who are willing to learn the language. We have a number of courses for kids suitable for their respective age groups based on their goal, intellect, adaptability, and ability. We have broadly categorized them into two:   1)     BASED ON THE AGE GROUP:   FOR AGE 4-9   Since kids of this age group have just started to understand things and their brains are under development as well, we make sure to set them on the right track. These days it's difficult to let kids learn through the traditional ways because in this era where technology has claimed the throne, why not use newer innovative measures? We have a drag-and-drop language such as Blockly because we strongly prefer Blockly over Scratch.   Check out Coding Classes for Kids curriculum for Age 4-9 You can also find tutorials on   FOR AGE 10-13   As around this age, the kid becomes more mature in terms of mental development; hence he/she shall be able to decide his/her interest. Once that part is sorted, the student can determine the level with which he/she has to proceed. For instance-   EASY: Start with Blockly and then level up to Thunkable (mobile apps) MEDIUM-HARD: start with Python first and then once comfortable, the student can switch to Machine Learning or Artificial Intelligence (AI). HARD: start with JavaScript and then move up to React.   Check out Programming Classes for Kids curriculum for Age 10-13   FOR AGE 13+   Now that the kid has entered the teen period, their brains are much sharper and flexible. So they can start with a real programming language such as Python or JavaScript. These two languages are trendy and in great demand as of now. Well-renowned companies such as Facebook, Google, Quora, LinkedIn, Uber, Amazon, etc. all have Python and JavaScript in their use.   PYTHON Programming is the predominant language for Machine Learning, AI as well as Data Science. It is also one of the easiest languages, to begin with. And of course, our Founder, Mr. Mudit Goel's cult-favorite as well. Python for Data Science Online Course - Learn the fundamentals of programming, data structures, web development, and data science using Python.   JAVASCRIPT is the chief language of the Web. It is used to build websites as well as mobile applications using React Native. Learning JavaScript will undoubtedly prove to be fruitful for you in the future.       2)     BASED ON THE GOAL:   GOAL 1- BEST FOR BUILDING REAL WORLD PROJECTS   There are two levels for this goal and accordingly are the languages best suitable for the respective level.   EASY- Blocky, Thunkable and Airtable HARD- JavaScript, React and Firebase   GOAL 2- BEST FOR SUPPORTING COLLEGE ADMISSIONS   Real programming languages like Python and JavaScript are the two best suitable languages for this goal. These two languages are more than enough to build up your college profile as well as will be advantageous for the internships you might want to take up, provided you are practicing it rigorously.   GOAL 3- BEST FOR FUTURE EMPLOYABILITY   Since the competition in this sector is fierce as well as the need for skills is a must, other than real programming languages like Python and JavaScript, you would have to indulge in learning the Computer Science fundamentals such as Data Structures, Algorithms, Databases, Software Design, Software Architecture, Operating Systems, etc.   GOAL 4- BEST FOR OVERALL BRAIN DEVELOPMENT   Coding Elements founder, Mr. Mudit Goel, has worked with more than 2000 students from all across the globe with a team of 40 faculty members, in delivering live coding lessons to kids and make sure that the kids have the best experience while learning which is yet exciting at the same time.   The experienced faculty of Coding Elements is trained in SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) so that they can connect with kids on a better level and build a strong rapport with them.   A student is always open to think about the real-life adversities and be capable enough to resolve all the problems they face. This problem-solving skill comes to their aid because all our projects are more of a real-world project where we can sharpen the students' skills.   We strongly oppose teaching a particular technology because we believe in teaching transferable skills that one can make use of in any situation at any point in time throughout their life. And to do so, we often use 2-3 languages within a single project. Book a FREE online Coding Class for Kids to learn more the benefits of programming for kids Related links: Top 10 activities for kids that can overcome the coronavirus shutdown Why Should Kids Learn to Code Top 7 Reasons Why Every Child Should Learn To Code Why everyone should learn to program 5 Reasons Why Online Learning is More Effective Social And Emotional Learning (Sel) – What Parents Should Know Why Social-Emotional Learning Is A Core Competency In The Coming Future How the future of education depends on social-emotional learning Programming for Kids: The Top 8 Do’s and Don’ts

Why You Should Teach Your Kids To Code - Coding Classes for Kids by Coding Elements Programming Institute

Teach Your Kids to Code - Coding for Kids in 2020

All this while people have been talking about how coding is beneficial for your kids, reasons why kids should learn coding and what is the best age to start coding? These questions seem never-ending but on ironically their answers seem to sum up at only a few reasons. The answers seem to go around in circles with a little moderation at each round. Undoubtedly, problem-solving skills, enhancement in thinking abilities, developing confidence and resilience serve as the main reasons why coding is prominent but, another essential thing that most of us keep forgetting is that coding helps kids to develop social and emotional learning (SEL). For those who aren't aware of social and emotional learning (SEL), it is a process that allows kids and adults to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, make responsible decisions, and feel empathetic towards others whilst establishing positive relationships and being able to maintain them. Over the years, researchers and psychologists have repeatedly proved that EQ (Emotional Quotient) is much more strongly correlated to success than IQ (Intelligence Quotient).   HOW DOES CODING PLAY A ROLE IN DEVELOPMENT OF EQ?   This having been a much-anticipated thought, coding helps to build EQ in several ways. The main are as follows:   CUSTOMER EMPATHY   To be able to use user-friendly apps, we first need to know the chief points of the user in-depth. Empathy means putting yourself in the shoes of others and then understand how does it feel like to be in others' place. This enables us to look at the situation from a different perspective.   HUMAN BEHAVIOUR   The most crucial characteristic of a person is their behavior. So we need to be able to understand the mindset and behavior of millions of users out there. Meta-cognition is higher-level thinking that is correlated with intelligence.     RESILIENCE Success and Failure are one of the critical phases of life that everybody is destined to experience. And while building software products, we might taste failure very often. This only helps us to build grit, which is a skill that has been considered important than intelligence.   GROWTH MINDSET At Coding Elements, we teach Learn Startup Principles to students. The basic idea is for you to be able to reiterate your product purely based on customer feedback. When the students begin to experience the power of feedback loop, they understand why they should be open to all sorts of customer feedback, which in turn helps them grow.   OUR FRAMEWORK FOR WHY KIDS SHOULD LEARN CODING   We, at Coding Elements, aim to bring about the best layout for your kids to ensure that they are comfortable at every level and don’t face any challenges whatsoever.    PROBLEM SOLVING (IQ- INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT) Quant/Math skills Innovation/ Creativity Critical and Logical thinking   SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL SKILLS (EQ- EMOTIONAL QUOTIENT)   Customer Empathy Human Behavior   PERSEVERANCE AND GROWTH (AQ- ADAPTABILITY QUOTIENT) Book a FREE online Coding Class for Kids to learn more the benefits of programming for kids Related links: Top 10 activities for kids that can overcome the coronavirus shutdown Why Should Kids Learn to Code Top 7 Reasons Why Every Child Should Learn To Code Why everyone should learn to program 5 Reasons Why Online Learning is More Effective Social And Emotional Learning (Sel) – What Parents Should Know Why Social-Emotional Learning Is A Core Competency In The Coming Future How the future of education depends on social-emotional learning Programming for Kids: The Top 8 Do’s and Don’ts

Importance of Artificial Intelligence in The Modern world

It is evident that over the years, there has been a spectrum of developments in the technology sector. The involvement of artificial intelligence at every step is has turned out to be amazing. It made so many jobs automated, reducing human effort. It has made everyone believe that there is yet more to come in the future. Artificial intelligence has proved to be a path-breaking experience in every field and not just technology. Online retailers in the fashion industry have readily invested a good sum of money in AI while the others plan to do so in the next 24 months, as stated by recent surveys. Now the question is why is the e-commerce industry showing their interest in Artificial Intelligence? The following points will help you get a better understanding of this question: RECEIVING PERSONALIZED EXPERIENCE- Amongst the entire benefits of AI, one is that it imparts personalized experience to its customers. It allows online retailers to not only add personalized pages to their websites but also provide personalized recommendations to their visitors. This ensures to raise sales and at the same time make good communication with the visitors. The recommendations do store a record of what the people previously like or what they purchase and other than that it also shows a few more complimentary products that the customers would probably show interest in if not buy. So AI in the retail business is on the right track doing wonders.    CHATBOTS HELPING TO BOOST CUSTOMER INTERACTION- 73% of customers prefer brands that provide immense customer support; as stated by a survey. Obviously, people prefer a person lending their hand while they are at it which is the traditional way that has been there ever since. But with the invasion of chatbots, the tables have completely turned upside down. A report concludes that by the end of 2020, approx 80% of customer interactions will be managed by Artificial Intelligence. Chatbot or Chat-robot is an AI-controlled computer program that prompts human conversations. The AI Chatbot works as a virtual help desk in assisting the company.   HIGH-END SECURITY- AI will ensure customers with their security-related concerns. Many people tend to have second thoughts while adding products to their cart so they discard them due to security reasons. This will no longer happen as the online shopping companies will be making use of high-end security. It will also catch fraudsters by identifying any sort of inconsistency in purchase behavior.   OVERCOMING BUSINESS CHALLENGES- AI is helping to overcome challenges faced by the e-commerce industries. Through AI, the previously purchased history, demographics, likes and dislikes and pain areas can be accessed which will be present as a record so that the company is able to recognize its target customers.  This is a good way to keep the e-commerce brands engaged with one another in a very productive way.   IMPROVEMENT IN SEARCH RESULTS DUE TO MACHINE LEARNING- Customers or no customers, search results are one such parameter that has to be there on every website possible be it anything. Providing a good search result will not only boost customer satisfaction but also create their interests intact. Machine learning generates a search ranking which helps to keeps everything organized by importance instead of key matching which used to be a way back in the day.   IMPROVEMENT IN THE SALES PROCESS- In this generation where almost everything has its base set up on the virtual platform, the traditional door to door selling is out of business. But now that the base is shifted to online platforms, there has to be a lot of data generated. Through AI, companies can track the order history, predictive analytics as well as purchase frequency. This helps in figuring out when would the customer order next. This information can be used greatly to bring out sales campaigns and boost sales in number.   Machine learning and deep learning are the trending topics worldwide with their applications being brought into effective action not only in business but in all the major segments. Taking both into consideration, there are several courses offered where you could learn both or either of them. Many institutes offer great online as well as regular courses on Machine learning and Deep learning.      Machine Learning and Deep Learning - Online

Coding Interview Preparation - Placements with Coding Elements

It’s about time and the placement festival, if rightly said as so; is almost here or probably has commenced at a few places. Placement is more of a journey wherein one decides or rather realizes his worth and his standing. It begins while we’re undergraduates but doesn’t end and of course if you go for higher studies you’ll face another round of placement. Normally students are really excited because placements are a hell of an experience but that doesn't mean it's the same for others. Many students don't wish to face the interview for ample reasons. Maybe they are not confident enough, maybe their grades are not up to the mark and the story continues… In such situations, it becomes very important or more if necessary to boost the confidence of such students. Each to its own! A particular tactic might work for you but it might not work for somebody else. Hence there is a need for an expert or experienced advice or at least counseling. This is where institutions like ours come in the role. We, at CODING ELEMENTS not just provide that additional push to the student but also focus on each one so that they shape their booming futures without fail. Preparations are required since the beginning itself. It’s not like you’ll have your fairy godmother moment strike at 12 right in time and she would turn the tables for you. We wish it was that magical but that’s just a story and sadly this is our reality. So what we do is we provide placement preparation class which is a course wherein we educate the students with everything right from scratch whatever is important for placement. Your marks are not the only thing that counts but your etiquettes, body language, communication skills are also taken into consideration. "The first impression is the last impression" very wisely said and from that let’s not forget placements are not something you can take a chance with or just screw it up. Now placements are of two types' on-campus placements and off-campus placements. On-campus placements are those where companies arrive at your campus and conduct a proper professional job interview whereas off-campus placements are those where you land up at a job not through college placements but on your own. Definitely, on-campus placements are paramount because most of us opt for it. And to ensure you are presenting your best self, we have an excellent off-campus placement preparation course. We offer many popular and overwhelming courses that are not even that expensive and are worth every penny of yours. These courses really shape the students and their personalities in such a way that they will never fall short of confidence which is a big thing to claim! Every faculty only enrolls 10 students under them so that focusing on each student becomes easier and more fruitful. Many people might not like the idea of these courses wondering what is the use of it? and that all of it can be done at home or by taking any elders' help. Definitely! I agree with that! But things are changing now. What used to happen earlier is no way near to what happens today. In such cases, some expert and professional help from the same field and of the same period proves to be helpful. And there's never any harm in trying new methods and stuff right? If you’re interested then great and if you aren’t then even better! Go and have a look at our website to get a wider view of it. Coding Interview Preparation